
Products 2024-07-19T11:39:51+00:00

Cultivating machinery

Every farm, whether in Poland or outside our country, has its own machinery tailored individually to the farm’s profile. In the case of farms smaller in area there will be smaller machines, and in the case of large agricultural producers there will be proportionally larger machines. Undoubtedly, the most important machine on any farm, whether small or large, is the agricultural tractor, to which we match the machines working with it. When buying agricultural machinery, we take into account the power and weight of our workhorse in order to do as much work as possible in the shortest possible time, putting as little strain on our machinery as possible. AGROLAND, based in Skomlin, is a manufacturer of Polish agricultural machinery for both small and larger farms.

Agricultural machinery

We divide agricultural machinery into several groups according to their purpose. In addition to tractors, we can specify trailers, sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, forage machines or tillage machines. In turn, we can divide tillage machines into disc harrows, stubble cultivators for shallow tillage, no-tillers for deep tillage, subsoilers, plowshares, chisel plowshares, seeders, mulchers, tillage rollers as well as seeders and presowing units. Each of the above-mentioned machines has a different function. Some are designed only to loosen and aerate the soil (subsoilers, stubble and no-till units), while others need to season the soil and break up clods for sowing the following crop. AGROLAND has a wide range of cultivation machinery, both loosening and aerating and seasoning the field for sowing.